The Clubhouse was opened at 4:45 for members to arrive early for Happy Hour and to look over the 39 items for this year’s Holiday raffle.

The meeting was called to order by President Steve Ambroso at 6:00 pm.

After the Pledge of Allegiance, Donna Wysanski presented the Invocation.

Dinner was served at 6:15 pm, with 111 paid reservations.

Steve then reviewed the survey of the regions in Italy where family members came from. There were 17 regions out of 20 represented.

The Secretary and Treasurer reports were both approved and accepted.

Kay Hawkes, Vice President,  introduced the new members and gave special thanks to the Board Members and those who work behind the scenes to make our Club great: Albert McCabe, Website; John Livoti, Photography; Linda McCabe, Reservations and Confirmations; Buddy Meola and Diane Keneally, Raffle Tickets, and especially to Patty Pannullo and Joann Belack, Entertainment Committee, for their efforts in finding the entertainment tonight and raffle presentation.

Thank you also to the many members who donated baskets and items for the raffle.

At 7:00 pm, the East Valley Harmonizers Barbershop Chorus entertained us with Holiday songs along with a few familiar 50’s and 60’s tunes.

Our next meeting is Thursday, January 9th, 2025. Please reserve by January 2nd and pay either by Zelle or check.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane Keneally, Secretary


The meeting was called to order by President Steve Ambroso at 6:00 pm., welcoming everyone with the news that attendance tonight was at an all time high with 114 paid dinners and 151 members of our Club.

Survey sheets were placed on each table asking that the members would write the city or region in Italy that their families immigrated from. The results will be shared at the December dinner.

After the Pledge of Allegiance, Albert McCabe gave the Invocation.

Dinner was served at 6:05 pm.

The Secretary and Treasurer’s reports were both approved and accepted.

Linda McCabe stated there were 44 new members and asked that those present would please stand and be acknowledged.

Joann Belack then spoke about our December Holiday Raffle, thanking those that donated.

Albert McCabe then showed the new website,, explaining where information on the club could be found and how to reserve for the dinner and pay either by Zelle or check to Joanne LaSalle, Treasurer.

Albert then opened the new Stories tab and shared the story of sisters Assunta Iudiciani and Anna Maria Milne, including pictures of them as children, also showing their mother’s cookies and cake recipes on the Recipes tab. In the future the club hopes to include more stories of our members and their family memories.

It was Italian Comedy night with YouTube clips of comedians Frank Lotito, Sebastian Manascalco, Greg Vacariello, Larry Notto and Frank Spadone. Many laughs and chuckles were heard among the tables as these comedians brought to our memories familiar personalities and incidents of our upbringing.

50/50 Winners of $85 each was Arlene Boni, Lori Regni and John Caravella.

Our December meeting will be December 10th and notices will be in the Splash or NextDoor.

Please RSVP and pay by check or Zelle before the deadline of December 3rd, as there will be no paying at the door.

Reminder to turn in name tags with the string rolled up inside the name tag.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane Keneally


Meeting called to order by President Steve Ambroso at 6:00 pm.
After a welcome by Steve, the Board was introduced to the membership.
Pledge of Allegiance
Invocation by Diane Keneally
Secretary and Treasurer Reports were both accepted and seconded.
Signup Sheets for Volunteers to help on Committees were left on the tables. Help is needed for Christmas Raffle, Website, and Decoration Committee. Kay Hawkes spoke about the success in the past of our Christmas Basket Raffle and how the donations helped the Club to donate to our Charities, Neighbors Who Care and STAR Animal Rescue. Ways to donate, other than creating baskets, by Zelle or
checks were also explained.
Dinner was served at 6:15.
May survey results were shared by Steve, with Potluck and Bocce ball at Sisk Park being the top choice. Italian wedding and the Great Italian Bakeoff were second and third choices.
Steve also explained future events planned for our meetings.
Albert McCabe then showed the new website on the screen, explaining each heading and how to maneuver the website. This was very helpful to all as it brings our Club into the present and makes reservations and payments more streamlined. Albert offered his help to anyone who had difficulty with the website or Zelle payments.
Italian Trivia – there were two games played. The table with the highest score wins $5 each. There was a playoff of three winning tables in the first game which was won by a playoff question. In the second game a table won with 10 out of 12 answers.
50/50 Raffle Drawing winners of $110 each was won by Dan Halloran and Don Crookston.
Steve concluded the night with reminders of our next meeting of November 14, 2024.

Payment for dinner and reservations will be due by November 7th.
Reminder to turn in name tags with strings tucked in.
Respectfully Submitted by Diane Keneally, Secretary

Sun Lakes Italian American Meeting Minutes – Thursday May 2, 2024

Meeting called to order by ​President -Steve Ambroso at 5:55pm

SUMMARY of past year​:  164 paid members / 85% Zelle & pre-payment by check

October- Interactive Italian Trivia table competition

November-Keith & Darlene Pyeatt from Mesa Mormon Temple talk Italian Genealogy

December-Christmas Party with AZ Opera Singers & Super Raffle

January-Susan Hagberg with Free Spirit Travel Agency /Italy trips

February-Traditional Italian Wedding dress up with DJ

March- Potluck at Sisk Park with Bocce ball Tournament

April- Steve Foss talks about his father shot down over Italy in WWII

May-Italian Food Trivia & Bake-Off Dessert Competition

Surveys on each table…fill out by checking off Top 5 (no ranking needed)

Pledge of Allegiance 

Invocation:​ Albert McCabe

Dinner 6:00pm

Committee Reports:

Secretary report approved by Len Rosati, Seconded by Carrie Bonello

Treasurer Report approved by Monte Bonello seconded by Carrie Bonello 

​Initiation of new Board members:

Kay Hawkes —Vice President, 2-year term

Diane Keneally—Secretary, 2-year term

Joanne LaSalle—Treasurer, taking over for Donna Penna who resigned, 1 year term remaining 

Flower presentation to Donna Penna / Acknowledge JoAnn Jones-Hamm & Donna Haugland​

Italian Bake-Off Competition   Judges: Monty Bonello/Mary Lonneman/Dan McCabe

Contestants: Mary Faber, Vanessa Crookston, Ann Donato, Donna Wisyanski, Carol Torres, Assunta Iudiciani, Sharra Mastroianni 

1st Place Winner of $100: Assunta Iudiciani with Panettone

2nd place winner of $50: Donna Wisyanski with Italian Rum Cake

Every contestant received a commemorative certificate 

Italian Food Trivia: There were enough desserts to be sampled by all members.

50/50 winners of $59 each:  Kara Robbins, Rich Bruno, Diane Keneally, Lilian Goldsmith

Reminders:  Turn in Name Tags / Watch for summer email / newsletter & Splash

See you in October!   

Meeting Adjourned at 8:00pm

Respectfully submitted by Kay Hawkes

Secretary’s Minutes

Call to order at 5:55pm by President Steve Ambroso

JoAnn Belack from the Events Committee presented on: 

  • Charity Committee and how charities were selected 
    • San Tan Animal Rescue
    • Neighbors Who Care

(A big thank you to The Charity Committee members for their due diligence and hard work selecting the right fit for our club!   

Great Italian Bake Off Contest

      Judges: Monte Bonello, Marry Lonneman, Dan McCabe

Pledge of Allegiance

Invocation by Pastor Steve Foss of Sun Lakes First Baptist Church

Secretary and Treasurer Reports were both accepted and seconded

Elections of new Board Members:

     Kay Hawkes elected as Vice President – 2 year term

     Diane Keneally elected as Secretary – 2 year term

     Joanne LaSalle replacing Donna Penna as Treasurer as

                   Donna, resigned – 1 year remaining on term

It was announced that SLIAC is looking for someone(s) to take over the newsletter this fall from Donna Haugland

Event Speaker:  Pastor Steve Foss relayed the fascinating story of his Airman father being shot over a small village in Italy in World War II, and no less than 8 Italian families worked undercover to get him safely to Allied land.  Pastor Steve has books available on this remarkable story for a “love donation”.

His contact info is:

Email: [email protected]  Phone # (602) 376-1321

Bake Off Contestants chosen by random draw—12 people entered and the 8 chosen were: 

      Jacquie Ruffino-Platt

      Mary Faber

      Vanessa Crookston

      Anne Donato

      Donna Wisyanski

     Carol Torres

     Assunta Iudiciani

     Sharra Mastroianni

50/50 Raffle Drawing winners of $73 each were:

Sandy Fogarty, Arlene Boni and Janet Livoti

Steve concluded the night with reminders that our last meeting before we break for summer is next month, May 2024, and while the Italian desserts are being judged an Italian Food Trivia game will be played with the winning tables getting sample the desserts.

Reminder to turn in name tags with strings tucked in.

Respectfully submitted by: Kay Hawkes, Secretary