Sun Lakes Italian American Club

Treasury Report

August 1, 2024 – September 30, 2024

Chase opening balance: $2942.72

The Club had 119 people pay memberships this period which added $$2,380 to the club’s account.

The raffle yielded $450 in total, with $110 each going to 2 lucky winners.

$230 was added to the club finances from the October raffle.

It was determined that $3,500, would be the minimum the club will keep on hand for:

        Chase Bank – minimum to keep our account ‘fee free’ $2,000

        Planning – Financial and website assistance $1500 (will increase as membership grows)

94 people attended the club’s October dinner a new record! Please note this is great news but the club does not make any money on the dinners as the $26 is a catering cost.  

Any questions?

Treasurers Report – September 2024

As we begin our 2024 – 2025 season, we are ramping up for what we hope will be our biggest season ever. Our membership has grown to over 150 people and we hope to continue to grow this season and have plans for open houses and great events to recruit new people.

As a club, we are undergoing some changes in how we report financial information. This will take time since we do not have any history we can use and will be gathering, storing and reporting on that data as soon as we can. Some things we are working on to report include:

1. How much do we start with before any new year memberships?

2. Membership numbers and dollar amounts?

3. Number of Dinners

4. Raffle money – what we give out and what we keep. 

5. The event that had the highest attendance. (as an FYI on year-end)

As of the end of JULY, we have $2,745.26 in our checking account. Our threshold, which was previously $2,000 – Chase bank’s minimum for free checking, will need to increase to cover potential website costs and later software to manage our clubs’ financials.  We have started to receive membership money and dinner money for this season, which will be added to our financial data.

As we go through this process, please feel free to ask any questions you wish, or let me know what specific information you might want to see, and I will be happy to answer them as best I can.

 Joanne LaSalle, Treasurer

Send questions to [email protected]     attention: Treasurer